Sunday 20 August 2017

Online trading morgan stanley smith barney

Morgan Stanley Smith Barney sekarang Morgan Stanley Wealth Management Morgan Stanley (NYSE: MS) hari ini mengumumkan bahwa bisnis pengelolaan kekayaan A. S., Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, telah berganti nama menjadi Morgan Stanley Wealth Management (MSWM). Morgan Stanley Wealth Management adalah pemimpin industri, mengelola 1,7 triliun aset klien melalui jaringan 17.000 perwakilan di 740 lokasi. Morgan Stanley pada 11 September mengumumkan kesepakatan dengan Citigroup untuk meningkatkan kepemilikan mayoritas MSWM sehingga Morgan Stanley akan memegang kendali penuh pada bulan Juni 2015, sesuai dengan persetujuan peraturan. Bisnis ini dibentuk pada tahun 2009 sebagai perusahaan patungan antara Morgan Stanley dan Citis Smith Barney. Saat ini, saat kami bergerak di bawah satu nama, kami memuncak upaya tiga tahun untuk mengintegrasikan dua waralaba yang beredar, kata James Gorman, Chairman dan Chief Executive Officer Morgan Stanley. Nama Smith Barney berdiri untuk keunggulan investasi selama tiga perempat abad, dan Morgan Stanley Wealth Management akan memberikan layanan kelas satu yang telah membedakan Morgan Stanley sebagai perusahaan selama lebih dari 75 tahun. Ke depan, kami tetap fokus untuk menjadi kelompok pengelolaan kekayaan utama dunia. Kata Greg Fleming, Presiden Morgan Stanley Wealth Management, Saat ini, kami adalah satu bisnis terpadu, dengan satu misi menyeluruh: untuk mendapatkan kepercayaan dari klien kami setiap hari melalui saran dan eksekusi yang superior. Nama kami telah berubah untuk mencerminkan integrasi kami, namun misi kami tetap sama: Kami berkomitmen untuk membantu klien mencapai tujuan keuangan mereka. Penunjukan pialang-pialang Morgan Stanley Wealth Management akan tetap menjadi Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Morgan Stanley Wealth Management, pemimpin global dalam pengelolaan kekayaan, memberikan akses ke berbagai produk dan layanan kepada individu, bisnis dan institusi, termasuk layanan konsultasi broker dan investasi, perencanaan keuangan dan kekayaan, kredit dan pinjaman, pengelolaan tunai, anuitas dan Asuransi, pensiun dan kepercayaan. Morgan Stanley (NYSE: MS) adalah perusahaan jasa keuangan global terkemuka yang menyediakan berbagai macam layanan perbankan investasi, sekuritas, manajemen investasi dan wealth management. Karyawan Perusahaan melayani klien di seluruh dunia termasuk perusahaan, pemerintah, institusi dan individu dari lebih 1.200 kantor di 43 negara. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang Morgan Stanley, silakan kunjungi morganstanley. Hubungan Media Hubungi: Jeanmarie McFadden, 212.761.2433 Jim Wiggins, 914.225.6161Harap diperhatikan bahwa pemilihan Penasihat Keuangan yang diberikan kepada Anda dilakukan secara acak dan hanya didasarkan pada bidang fokus yang telah dipilih oleh Penasihat Keuangan itu sendiri dan selanjutnya. Preferensi atau kepentingan mereka. Morgan Stanley tidak membuat perwakilan mengenai pengalaman Penasihat Keuangan individual dan juga pengetahuan tentang preferensi atau minat yang telah mereka pilih. Preferensi dan minat yang mereka pilih belum diperiksa oleh Morgan Stanley. Individu didorong untuk mempertimbangkan kebutuhan unik mereka dan juga keadaan spesifik saat memilih Penasihat Keuangan. Hasil Anda dimuat Harap diperhatikan bahwa pemilihan Penasihat Keuangan yang diberikan kepada Anda dilakukan secara acak dan hanya didasarkan pada bidang fokus yang telah dipilih oleh Penasihat Keuangan itu sendiri dan atas preferensi atau kepentingan mereka yang lain. Morgan Stanley tidak membuat perwakilan mengenai pengalaman Penasihat Keuangan individual dan juga pengetahuan tentang preferensi atau minat yang telah mereka pilih. Preferensi dan minat yang mereka pilih belum diperiksa oleh Morgan Stanley. Individu didorong untuk mempertimbangkan kebutuhan unik mereka dan juga keadaan spesifik saat memilih Penasihat Keuangan. Hasil Anda dimuat Siap memulai percakapan Siap untuk mendengarkan. Anda memiliki tujuan keuangan yang berarti - pelajari bagaimana kami dapat membantu Anda mencapainya. Hubungi 1-877-877-1786 Senin sampai Jumat dari jam 8:00 sampai 17:30 EST Klien yang ada: Untuk akun atau dukungan teknis Karir: Untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang pekerjaan, silakan masuk ke Peluang Karir. Hubungi Kami Periksa latar belakang Perusahaan dan Investasi Profesional kami di FINRAs BrokerCheck. 2015 Morgan Stanley. Seluruh hak cipta. Pesan Anda berhasil dikirim. Pp: 32188 mp: 32187BNP (Banque Nationale de Paris) raksasa uang Eropa lainnya yang luar biasa Tapi monopoli mereka terhadap ekonomi global tidak berakhir di tepi tambalan minyak. Menurut pengajuan 10K perusahaan ke SEC, Empat Penunggang Kuda adalah salah satu dari sepuluh pemegang saham teratas dari hampir semua perusahaan Fortune 500. 1 Jadi siapa pemegang saham di bank-bank pusat uang ini Informasi ini dijaga lebih dekat. Kueri saya ke agen pengatur bank mengenai kepemilikan saham di 25 perusahaan holding bank terkemuka diberi status Freedom of Information Act, sebelum ditolak dengan alasan keamanan kuota. Ini agak ironis, karena banyak pemegang saham bank berada di Eropa. Salah satu gudang penting untuk kekayaan oligarki global yang memiliki perusahaan induk bank ini adalah Trust Corporation AS - didirikan pada tahun 1853 dan sekarang dimiliki oleh Bank of America. Direktur Corporate Trust dan Wali Amanat AS baru-baru ini adalah Walter Rothschild. Direktur lainnya termasuk: Daniel Davison dari JP Morgan Chase Richard Tucker dari Exxon Mobil Daniel Roberts dari Citigroup Marshall Schwartz dari Morgan Stanley 2 J. W. McCallister. Orang dalam industri minyak dengan koneksi House of Saud, menulis di The Grim Reaper bahwa informasi yang dia dapatkan dari bankir Saudi menyebutkan 80 kepemilikan New York Federal Reserve Bank - sejauh ini merupakan cabang Fed yang paling kuat - oleh hanya delapan keluarga, empat di antaranya tinggal di Amerika. Goldman Sachs, Rockefeller. Lehmans dan Kuhn Loebs dari New York, keluarga Rothschild di Paris dan London, Warburgs of Hamburg, Lazards of Paris, Israel Moses Seifs of Rome, CPA Thomas D. Schauf, menguatkan McCallisters mengklaim, menambahkan bahwa sepuluh bank mengendalikan dua belas cabang Federal Reserve Bank. NM Rothschild dari London Rothschild Bank Berlin Warburg Bank of Hamburg Warburg Bank of Amsterdam Lehman Brothers dari New York Lazard Brothers dari Paris Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York Israel Moses Seif Bank of Italy Goldman Sachs dari New York JP Morgan Chase Bank of New York Schauf Daftar William Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Jacob Schiff dan James Stillman sebagai individu yang memiliki saham besar The Fed. 3 Orang Schiff adalah orang dalam di Kuhn Loeb. The Stillmans adalah orang dalam Citigroup, yang menikah dengan klan Rockefeller pada pergantian abad ini. Eustace Mullins sampai pada kesimpulan yang sama dalam bukunya The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, di mana ia menampilkan grafik yang menghubungkan Fed dan bank anggotanya ke keluarga Rothschild, Warburg, Rockefeller dan yang lainnya. Kontrol yang diberikan oleh keluarga perbankan ini terhadap ekonomi global tidak dapat dibesar-besarkan dan cukup disembunyikan dalam kerahasiaan. Lengan media korporat mereka dengan cepat mendiskreditkan informasi yang memperlihatkan kartel bank sentral swasta ini sebagai teori penawaran quototpiracy. Namun faktanya tetap ada. Rumah Morgan Federal Reserve Bank lahir pada tahun 1913, tahun yang sama dengan majalah perbankan AS J. Pierpont Morgan meninggal dan Yayasan Rockefeller dibentuk. House of Morgan memimpin keuangan Amerika dari sudut Wall Street dan Broad, bertindak sebagai bank sentral kuasi-AS sejak 1838, saat George Peabody mendirikannya di London. Peabody adalah rekan bisnis keluarga Rothschild. Pada tahun 1952, peneliti Fed Eustace Mullins mengemukakan dugaan bahwa Morgans tidak lebih dari agen Rothschild. Mullins menulis bahwa keluarga Rothschild, yang dikutip di Amerika Serikat di bawah fasad J. P. Morgan amp Companyquot. 5 Penulis Gabriel Kolko menyatakan, aktivitas quotMorgans pada tahun 1895-1896 dalam menjual obligasi emas AS di Eropa didasarkan pada sebuah aliansi dengan House of Rothschild. quot 6 The Morgan financial octopus membungkus tentakelnya dengan cepat di seluruh dunia. Morgan Grenfell beroperasi di London. Morgan et Ce memerintah Paris. Saudara sepupu Rothschilds Lambert mendirikan Drexel amp Company di Philadelphia. House of Morgan melayani, Ini membiayai peluncuran ATampT, General Motors, General Electric dan DuPont. Seperti bank Rothschild dan Barings yang berbasis di London, Morgan menjadi bagian dari struktur kekuasaan di banyak negara. Pada tahun 1890 House of Morgan meminjamkan kepada bank sentral Egypts, membiayai rel kereta api Rusia, mengambang obligasi pemerintah provinsi Brazil dan mendanai proyek pekerjaan umum Argentina. Sebuah resesi pada tahun 1893 meningkatkan kekuatan Morgans. Tahun itu Morgan menyelamatkan pemerintah AS dari kepanikan bank, membentuk sindikat untuk menyiapkan cadangan pemerintah dengan pengiriman emas Rothschild senilai 62 juta. 7 Morgan adalah kekuatan pendorong di belakang ekspansi Barat di AS, membiayai dan mengendalikan jalur kereta api yang terikat Barat melalui pemangku hak suara. Pada tahun 1879, Cornelius Vanderbilts yang dibiayai Morgan New York Central Railroad memberikan tarif pengiriman istimewa kepada John D. Rockefellers yang menghasilkan monopoli Standard Oil, yang memperkuat hubungan RockefellerMorgan. Rumah Morgan sekarang berada di bawah kendali keluarga Rothschild dan Rockefeller. New York Herald headline membaca, quotRailroad Kings Form Gigantic Trustquot. J. Pierpont Morgan. Yang pernah menyatakan, quotCompetition adalah sinquot, sekarang berpendapat dengan gembira, quotThink darinya. Semua lalu lintas kereta api yang bersaing di barat St. Louis ditempatkan di dalam kendali sekitar tiga puluh orang. quot 8 Morgan dan bankir Edward Harrimans Kuhn Loeb mengadakan monopoli di atas rel kereta api, sementara dinasti perbankan Lehman, Goldman Sachs dan Lazard bergabung dengan Rockefeller dalam mengendalikan AS. Basis industri 9 Pada tahun 1903 Bankir Trust didirikan oleh Delapan Keluarga. Benjamin Strong of Bankers Trust adalah gubernur pertama dari New York Federal Reserve Bank. Pembuatan Fed pada tahun 1913 menyatukan kekuatan Delapan Keluarga ke kekuatan militer dan diplomatik pemerintah AS. Jika pinjaman luar negeri mereka tidak dibayar, oligarki sekarang dapat menggunakan Marinir AS untuk mengumpulkan hutang. Morgan, Chase dan Citibank membentuk sindikat pinjaman internasional. Rumah Morgan nyaman dengan British House of Windsor dan House of Savoy di Italia. Kuhn Loebs, Warburgs, Lehmans, Lazards, Israel Moses Seifs dan Goldman Sachs juga memiliki hubungan dekat dengan royalti Eropa. Pada tahun 1895 Morgan mengendalikan arus emas masuk dan keluar dari AS. Gelombang merger pertama Amerika pada masa kanak-kanak dan mulai dipromosikan oleh para bankir. Pada tahun 1897 ada enam puluh sembilan merger industri. Pada tahun 1899 ada dua ratus. Pada tahun 1904 John Moody - pendiri Moodys Investor Services - mengatakan bahwa tidak mungkin membicarakan kepentingan Rockefeller dan Morgan secara terpisah. 10 Ketidakpercayaan publik terhadap spread gabungan. Banyak yang menganggap mereka pengkhianat yang bekerja untuk uang lama Eropa. Rockefellers Standard Oil, Andrew Carnegies Kereta api US Steel dan Edward Harrimans semuanya didanai oleh bankir Jacob Schiff di Kuhn Loeb, yang bekerja sama dengan Rothschild Eropa. Beberapa negara bagian Barat melarang para bankir. Pengkhotbah populis William Jennings Bryan tiga kali menjadi calon Demokrat untuk Presiden dari tahun 1896 -1908. Tema utama kampanye anti-imperialisnya adalah bahwa Amerika jatuh ke dalam jebakan perbendaharaan katabolisme ke modal Inggris. Teddy Roosevelt mengalahkan Bryan pada tahun 1908, namun dipaksa oleh api populis yang menyebar ini untuk memberlakukan Undang-Undang Anti-Trust Sherman. Dia kemudian pergi setelah Standard Oil Trust. Pada tahun 1912, dengar pendapat Pujo diadakan, menangani konsentrasi kekuasaan di Wall Street. Pada tahun yang sama, Ibu Edward Harriman menjual sahamnya yang besar di New Yorks Guaranty Trust Bank kepada J. P. Morgan, menciptakan Morgan Guaranty Trust. Hakim Louis Brandeis meyakinkan Presiden Woodrow Wilson untuk menyerukan diakhirinya dewan direksi yang saling terkait. Pada tahun 1914, Clayton Anti-Trust Act disahkan. Jack Morgan - J. Pierponts putra dan penerusnya - menanggapi dengan memanggil klien Morgan Remington dan Winchester untuk meningkatkan produksi senjata. Dia berpendapat bahwa AS perlu memasuki Perang Dunia I. Goaded oleh Yayasan Carnegie dan bidang oligarki lainnya, Wilson mengakomodasi. Seperti yang ditulis Charles Tansill di America Goes to War. Bahkan sebelum bentrokan senjata, perusahaan Prancis Rothschild Freres mengirim kabel ke Morgan amp Company di New York menunjukkan flotasi pinjaman sebesar 100 juta, sebagian besar harus ditinggalkan di AS untuk membayar pembelian Prancis oleh orang Amerika. Good. quot Rumah Morgan membiayai setengah usaha perang AS, sementara menerima komisi untuk mengantre kontraktor seperti GE, Du Pont, Steel AS, Kennecott dan ASARCO. Semua adalah klien Morgan. Morgan juga membiayai Perang Boer Inggris di Afrika Selatan dan Perang Franco-Prusia. Konferensi Perdamaian Paris 1919 dipimpin oleh Morgan, yang memimpin usaha rekonstruksi Jerman dan Sekutu. 11 Pada tahun 1930-an populisme muncul kembali di Amerika setelah Goldman Sachs, Lehman Bank dan lainnya memperoleh keuntungan dari Kecelakaan 1929. 12 Ketua Komite Perbankan House Louis McFadden (D-NY) mengatakan tentang Great Depression. Bukan itu kebetulan. Itu adalah kejadian yang dibuat dengan hati-hati. Para bankir internasional berusaha untuk menimbulkan kondisi keputusasaan di sini sehingga mereka bisa muncul sebagai penguasa kita semua. Senator Gerald Nye (D-ND) memimpin penyelidikan amunisi pada tahun 1936. Nye menyimpulkan bahwa House of Morgan telah menjatuhkan AS ke dalam Perang Dunia I untuk melindungi pinjaman dan menciptakan industri senjata yang sedang booming. Nye kemudian menghasilkan sebuah dokumen berjudul The Next War. Yang secara sinis menyebut quotthe dewi biduan demokrasi abad pertengahan, dimana Jepang dapat digunakan untuk memancing AS ke Perang Dunia II. Pada tahun 1937 Menteri Dalam Negeri Harold Ickes memperingatkan pengaruh quotAmerika 60 Familiesquot. Sejarawan Ferdinand Lundberg kemudian menulis sebuah buku dengan judul yang sama. Hakim Agung William O. Douglas mengecam, pengaruh quotMorgan. Yang paling merusak di industri dan keuangan saat ini. Jack Cruz menanggapi dengan menyenggol AS menuju PDII. Morgan memiliki hubungan dekat dengan keluarga Iwasaki dan Dan - dua klan terkaya di Jepang - yang masing-masing memiliki Mitsubishi dan Mitsui, sejak perusahaan tersebut keluar dari shogunates abad ke-17. Ketika Jepang menginvasi Manchuria, membantai petani Tiongkok di Nanking, Morgan meremehkan insiden tersebut. Morgan juga memiliki hubungan dekat dengan frater Italia Benito Mussolini, sementara Nazi Jerman Dr. Hjalmer Schacht adalah penghubung Morgan Bank selama Perang Dunia II. Setelah perang perwakilan Morgan bertemu dengan Schacht di Bank of International Settlements (BIS) di Basel, Swiss. 13 Rumah Rockefeller BIS adalah bank paling kuat di dunia, bank sentral global untuk Delapan Keluarga yang mengendalikan bank sentral swasta hampir semua negara Barat dan negara berkembang. Presiden pertama BIS adalah bankir Rockefeller Gates McGarrah - seorang pejabat di Chase Manhattan dan Federal Reserve. McGarrah adalah kakek mantan direktur CIA Richard Helms. The Rockefeller - seperti Morgans - memiliki hubungan dekat dengan London. David Icke menulis di Children of the Matrix. Bahwa Rockefeller dan Morgans hanya quotgofersquot untuk Rothschild Eropa. 14 BIS dimiliki oleh, The Federal Reserve Bank of England Ahli Sejarah Swiss National Carroll Quigley menulis dalam buku epiknya Tragedi dan Harapan bahwa BIS adalah bagian dari sebuah rencana, quotto menciptakan sistem kontrol keuangan dunia di tangan pribadi yang mampu mendominasi politik. Sistem masing-masing negara dan ekonomi dunia secara keseluruhan. Untuk dikendalikan dengan cara feodalistik oleh bank sentral dunia yang bertindak sesuai dengan kesepakatan rahasia. quot Pemerintah AS memiliki ketidakpercayaan historis terhadap BIS, melobi tidak berhasil karena kematiannya pada Konferensi Bretton Woods pada tanggal 1944 pasca-Perang Dunia II. Sebaliknya, kekuatan Delapan Keluarga semakin diperburuk, dengan penciptaan IMF dan Bank Dunia Bretton Woods. Federal Reserve AS hanya mengambil saham di BIS pada bulan September 1994. 15 BIS memegang setidaknya 10 cadangan moneter untuk setidaknya 80 bank sentral dunia, IMF dan institusi multilateral lainnya. Ini berfungsi sebagai agen keuangan untuk kesepakatan internasional, mengumpulkan informasi mengenai ekonomi global dan berfungsi sebagai pemberi pinjaman upaya terakhir untuk mencegah keruntuhan keuangan global. BIS mempromosikan sebuah agenda monopoli fasisme kapitalis. Ini memberi pinjaman jembatan ke Hungaria pada tahun 1990an untuk memastikan privatisasi ekonomi negara tersebut. Ini berfungsi sebagai saluran untuk delapan keluarga yang menghuni Adolf Hitler - yang dipimpin oleh Warburg J. Henry Schroeder dan Mendelsohn Bank of Amsterdam. Banyak peneliti menyatakan bahwa BIS adalah titik nadir pencucian uang obat bius global. 16 Bukan suatu kebetulan bahwa BIS berkantor pusat di Swiss, tempat persembunyian favorit untuk kekayaan aristokrasi global dan markas besar untuk P-2 Italian Freemasons Alpina Lodge dan Nazi International. Institusi lain yang melibatkan Delapan Keluarga termasuk, Forum Ekonomi Dunia, Konferensi Moneter Internasional, Organisasi Perdagangan Dunia, Bretton Woods, merupakan anugerah bagi Delapan Keluarga. IMF dan Bank Dunia sangat penting dalam permintaan dunia kuota ini. Pada tahun 1944, obligasi Bank Dunia pertama dilontarkan oleh Morgan Stanley dan First Boston. Keluarga Lazard Prancis menjadi lebih terlibat dalam kepentingan House of Morgan. Lazard Freres - bank investasi Frances terbesar - dimiliki oleh keluarga Lazard dan David-Weill - keturunan perbankan Genoa tua yang diwakili oleh Michelle Davive. Chairman dan CEO Citigroup baru-baru ini adalah Sanford Weill. Pada tahun 1968 Morgan Guaranty meluncurkan Euro-Clear, sistem kliring bank berbasis di Brussels untuk sekuritas Eurodollar. Itu adalah usaha otomatis pertama. Beberapa mengambil untuk memanggil Euro-Clear quotThe Beastquot. Brussels berfungsi sebagai markas besar Bank Sentral Eropa dan NATO. Pada tahun 1973 pejabat Morgan bertemu secara diam-diam di Bermuda untuk menghidupkan kembali House Morgan secara tidak sah, dua puluh tahun sebelum Undang-Undang Kaca Steady dicabut. Morgan dan Rockefellers memberikan dukungan finansial untuk Merrill Lynch, mendorongnya ke dalam 5 besar investasi perbankan AS. Merrill sekarang menjadi bagian dari Bank of America. John D. Rockefeller menggunakan kekayaan minyaknya untuk mendapatkan Equitable Trust, yang telah menelan beberapa bank dan perusahaan besar pada tahun 1920an. Depresi Besar membantu mengkonsolidasikan kekuatan Rockefeller. Chase Bank-nya bergabung dengan Kuhn Loebs Manhattan Bank untuk membentuk Chase Manhattan, yang memperkuat hubungan keluarga lama. Kuhn-Loebs telah membiayai - bersama dengan Rothschilds - Rockefellers quest untuk menjadi raja dari peti minyak. National City Bank of Cleveland memberi John D. uang yang dibutuhkan untuk memulai monopoli industri minyak AS. Bank tersebut diidentifikasi dalam dengar pendapat Kongres sebagai salah satu dari tiga bank milik Rothschild di AS selama tahun 1870-an, ketika Rockefeller pertama kali didirikan sebagai Standard Oil of Ohio. 17 Satu pasangan Minyak Standar Rockefeller adalah Edward Harkness. Yang keluarganya datang untuk mengendalikan Chemical Bank. Yang lainnya adalah James Stillman. Yang keluarganya mengendalikan Pabrikan Hanover Trust. Kedua bank tersebut telah bergabung di bawah payung JP Morgan Chase. Dua anak perempuan James Stillmans menikahi dua anak laki-laki William Rockefellers. Kedua keluarga juga mengendalikan sebagian besar Citigroup. 18 Dalam bisnis asuransi, Rockefeller mengendalikan Metropolitan Life, Equitable Life, Prudential dan New York Life. Bank Rockefeller mengendalikan 25 dari semua aset dari 50 bank komersial terbesar AS dan 30 dari seluruh aset dari 50 perusahaan asuransi terbesar. 19 perusahaan asuransi - yang pertama di AS diluncurkan oleh Freemason melalui Woodmans of America - memainkan peran kunci dalam pengiriman uang obat-obatan Bermuda. Perusahaan yang berada di bawah kendali Rockefeller meliputi, sebuah perkebunan di Pelabuhan Seal, Maine di Karibia, Hawaii dan Puerto Riko 20 Keluarga Dulles dan Rockefeller adalah sepupu. Allen Dulles menciptakan CIA, membantu Nazi, menutupi kepingan Kennedy dari jabatannya di Warren Commission dan membuat kesepakatan dengan Ikhwanul Muslimin untuk menciptakan pembunuh yang dikendalikan pikiran. 21 Brother John Foster Dulles memimpin kepercayaan Goldman Sachs yang palsu sebelum terjadi krisis pasar saham 1929 dan membantu saudaranya menggulingkan pemerintah di Iran dan Guatemala. Keduanya adalah Skull amp Bones. Anggota tim Hubungan Luar Negeri (CFR) dan Upah Tingkat 33. 22 Rockefellers berperan penting dalam membentuk Club of Rome yang depopulasi di perumahan keluarga mereka di Bellagio, Italia. Kawasan Pocantico Hills mereka melahirkan Komisi Trilateral. Keluarga tersebut adalah penyandang dana utama gerakan eugenika yang menelurkan Hitler, kloning manusia dan obsesi DNA saat ini di kalangan ilmiah AS. John Rockefeller Jr memimpin Dewan Kependudukan sampai kematiannya. 23 Anak seniranya adalah seorang Senator dari West Virginia. Brother Winthrop Rockefeller adalah Letnan Gubernur Arkansas dan tetap menjadi orang paling berkuasa di negara bagian itu. Dalam sebuah wawancara pada bulan Oktober 1975 dengan majalah Playboy, Wakil Presiden Nelson Rockefeller - yang juga Gubernur New York - mengartikulasikan pandangan keluarga yang merendahkan pandangan dunia, saya adalah orang yang sangat percaya dalam perencanaan - perencanaan dunia, ekonomi, sosial, politik, militer, total dunia. Tapi dari semua saudara Rockefeller, ini adalah pendiri Komisi Trilateral (KPK) dan Chase Manhattan Chairman David yang telah mempelopori agenda fasis familys dalam skala global. Shah Iran rezim apartheid Afrika Selatan jutawan Pinochet Chili Dia adalah pemodal terbesar CFR, TC dan (selama Perang Vietnam) Komite untuk Perdamaian yang Efektif dan Tahan Lama di Asia - sebuah tambang kontrak bagi mereka yang membuat keputusan mereka Hidup dari konflik Nixon memintanya untuk menjadi Sekretaris Perbendaharaan, namun Rockefeller menolak pekerjaan tersebut, karena tahu kekuatannya jauh lebih besar dari kemudi Chase. Penulis Gary Allen menulis di The Rockefeller File bahwa pada tahun 1973, quotDavid Rockefeller bertemu dengan dua puluh tujuh kepala negara, termasuk penguasa Rusia dan China Merah. Setelah mengikuti kudeta CIA di Nugan tahun 1975 melawan Perdana Menteri Australia Gough Whitlam, Inggris-nya Pelaksana pengganti Crown Malcolm Fraser melaju ke AS, di mana ia bertemu dengan Presiden Gerald Ford setelah berunding dengan David Rockefeller. 24 1 10K Pengarsipan Fortune 500 Perusahaan ke SEC. 3-91 2 10K Pengarsipan US Trust Corporation kepada SEC. 6-28-95 3 quotThe Federal Reserve Fed Up. Thomas Schauf. Davidicke 1-02 4 Rahasia Federal Reserve. Eustace Mullins. Lembaga Penelitian Bankir Staunton, VA. 1983. hal.179 5 Ibid. Hal.53 6 Kemenangan Konservatisme. Gabriel Kolko. MacMillan dan Perusahaan New York. 1963. hal.142 7 Aturan Rahasia: Sejarah Tersembunyi yang menghubungkan Komisi Trilateral, Freemason dan Piramida Agung. Jim Marrs. Penerbit HarperCollins. New York 2000. hal.57 8 Rumah Morgan. Ron Chernow. Atlantic Monthly Press NewYork 1990 9 Marrs. Hal.57 10 Demokrasi untuk Sedikitnya. Michael Parenti St. Martins Press. New York 1977. hal.178 11 Chernow 12 Kecelakaan Besar tahun 1929. John Kenneth Galbraith. Houghton, Perusahaan Mifflin. Boston. 1979. hal.148 13 Chernow 14 Anak-anak Matriks. David Icke Jembatan Cinta. Scottsdale, AZ. 2000 15 Game Keyakinan: Bagaimana Bank Sentral yang Tidak Terpilih Mengatur Ekonomi Dunia Berubah. Steven Salomo Simon amp Schuster. New York 1995. hal.112 16 Marrs. Hal.180 17 Ibid. Hal.45 18 Pemberi Pinjaman Uang: Krisis Politik Rakyat dan Politik Dunia. Anthony Sampson. Buku penguin New York 1981 19 File Rockefeller. Gary Allen. 76 Tekan. Seal Beach, CA. 1977 20 Ibid 21 Dope Inc. Buku yang Membunuh Kissinger Crazy. Editor Review Intelijen Eksekutif. Washington DC. 1992 22 Marrs. 23 Sindrom Rockefeller. Ferdinand Lundberg. Lyle Stuart Inc. Secaucus, NJ. 1975. hal.296 24 Marrs. P.53 Freemason dan House of Rothschild mengutip Parlemen namun tetap setia kepada Crownquot. St. Andrews Lodge adalah pusat Masonry Dunia Baru dan mulai mengeluarkan gelar Knights Templar pada tahun 1769. 2 Jenderal Joseph Warren Semua pondok-pondok Masonik AS sampai hari ini dijamin oleh Crown Inggris, yang mereka layani sebagai jaringan subversi global dan jaringan kontra revolusioner. Inisiatif terbaru mereka adalah Program Identifikasi Anak Masonis (CHIC). Menurut Wikipedia, program CHIP memungkinkan orang tua mendapat kesempatan untuk membuat kit untuk mengidentifikasi bahan untuk anak mereka, tanpa dipungut biaya. Kit berisi kartu sidik jari, deskripsi fisik, video, disk komputer, atau DVD anak, jejak gigi, dan sampel DNA. Kongres Kontinental Pertama diadakan di Philadelphia pada tahun 1774 di bawah Presidensi Peyton Randolph. Yang menggantikan Washington sebagai Grand Master dari Virginia Lodge. Kongres Kontinental Kedua diadakan pada tahun 1775 di bawah Presidensi Freemason John Hancock. Saudara laki-laki William Peytons menggantikannya sebagai Virginia Lodge Grand Master dan menjadi pendukung utama sentralisasi dan federalisme pada Konvensi Konstitusional Pertama pada tahun 1787. Federalisme di jantung Konstitusi AS identik dengan federalisme yang tercantum dalam Konstitusi Freemason Andersons tahun 1723 William Randolph menjadi negara pertama Jaksa Agung dan Sekretaris Negara di bawah George Washington. Keluarganya kembali ke Inggris setia kepada Mahkota. John Marshall, negara pertama Mahkamah Agung, juga seorang Mason. 3 Ketika Benjamin Franklin pergi ke Prancis untuk mencari bantuan keuangan bagi kaum revolusioner Amerika, pertemuannya berlangsung di bank Rothschild. Dia menengahi penjualan senjata melalui Mason Baron von Steuben dari Jerman. Komite-komite korespondensinya beroperasi melalui saluran Freemason dan menyamai jaringan mata-mata Inggris. Pada tahun 1776 Franklin menjadi Duta Besar de facto untuk Perancis. Pada tahun 1779 ia menjadi Grand Master dari Neuf Soeurs Prancis (Nine Sisters) Lodge, tempat John Paul Jones dan Voltaire berada. Franklin juga merupakan anggota dari Royal Lodge of Commanders of the Temple West of Carcasonne yang lebih tertutup, yang anggotanya termasuk Frederick Prince of Whales. Sementara Franklin berkhotbah tentang kesederhanaan di AS, dia berkelana liar dengan saudara-saudara Lodge-nya di Eropa. Franklin menjabat sebagai Postmaster General dari tahun 1750 sampai 1775 - sebuah peran yang secara tradisional terdegradasi ke mata-mata Inggris. 4 Dengan pembiayaan Rothschild Alexander Hamilton mendirikan dua bank New York, termasuk Bank of New York. 5 Dia meninggal dalam baku tembak dengan Aaron Burr, yang mendirikan Bank of Manhattan dengan pembiayaan Kuhn Loeb. Hamilton mencontohkan penghinaan yang dilakukan Delapan Keluarga terhadap orang-orang biasa, setelah menyatakan, masyarakat masing-masing membagi diri menjadi sedikit dan banyak orang. Yang pertama adalah orang kaya dan terlahir, yang lain adalah massa rakyat. Orang-orang bergolak dan berubah mereka jarang menilai dan menentukan yang benar. Karena itu, berikan kepada kelas pertama pembagian pemerintah yang berbeda dan permanen. Mereka akan memeriksa kegoyangan yang kedua. quot 6 Hamilton hanyalah yang pertama dari serangkaian kroni Delapan Keluarga untuk memegang posisi kunci Menteri Keuangan. Belakangan ini, Menteri Keuangan George Dillon berasal dari Dillon Read (sekarang bagian dari UBS Warburg) Sekretaris Keuangan Nixon David Kennedy dan William Simon berasal dari Continental Illinois Bank (sekarang bagian dari Bank of America) dan Salomon Brothers (sekarang merupakan bagian dari Citigroup) , Masing-masing Sekretaris Keuangan Carter Michael Blumenthal berasal dari Menteri Keuangan Goldman Sachs Reagan Donald Regan berasal dari Merrill Lynch (sekarang bagian dari Bank of America) Menteri Keuangan Bush Sr. Nicholas Brady berasal dari Dillon Read (UBS Warburg) baik Menteri Keuangan Clinton Robert Rubin dan Menteri Keuangan Bush Jr. Henry Paulson berasal dari Goldman Sachs Sekretaris Menteri Keuangan Obama Tim Geithner bekerja di Kissinger Associates dan New York Fed Thomas Jefferson berpendapat bahwa Amerika Serikat membutuhkan sebuah bank sentral milik publik sehingga raja dan aristokrat Eropa tidak dapat menggunakan pencetakan tersebut. Uang untuk mengendalikan urusan bangsa baru. Negara quotA yang mengharapkan untuk tetap jahil dan bebas. Mengharapkan yang belum pernah dan yang tidak akan pernah ada. Hampir tidak ada seorang Raja dalam seratus orang yang tidak, jika dia bisa, mengikuti teladan Firaun - dapatkan semua uang rakyat, lalu segenap tanah mereka dan kemudian buat mereka dan anak-anak mereka selamanya. Perusahaan perbankan lebih berbahaya daripada tentara berdiri. Sudah mereka telah mengumpulkan aristokrasi uang. quot Jefferson menyaksikan persekongkolan perbankan Eropa untuk mengendalikan Amerika Serikat dilipat, menimbang, tindakan meniru tiruan mungkin dianggap berasal dari opini kebetulan hari itu, namun serangkaian penindasan dimulai pada Periode yang berbeda, tidak dapat diubah melalui setiap perubahan menteri, terlalu jelas membuktikan rencana sistematis yang disengaja untuk mengurangi kita menjadi perbudakan. 7 Tapi argumen Warrentons yang disponsori Rothschild untuk bank sentral swasta AS dilakukan pada hari itu. Pada 1791 Bank of the United States (BUS) didirikan, dengan Rothschild sebagai pemilik utama. Piagam bank akan habis pada tahun 1811. Opini publik mendukung pencoblosan piagam tersebut dan menggantinya dengan bank sentral Jeffersonian. Perdebatan tersebut ditunda karena negara tersebut terjerumus oleh para bankir Euro ke dalam Perang 1812. Di tengah iklim ketakutan dan kesulitan ekonomi, bank Hamiltons mendapat piagamnya diperbaharui pada tahun 1816. Hickory Tua, Jujur Abe amp Camelot Pada tahun 1828 Andrew Jackson mengambil Lari di Kepresidenan AS. Sepanjang kampanyenya dia mencerca para bankir internasional yang menguasai BUS. Anda adalah sarang ular beludak. Saya bermaksud untuk mengekspos Anda dan oleh Tuhan yang Kekal saya akan mengusir Anda. Jika orang-orang memahami ketidakadilan nilai dari sistem uang dan perbankan kita, akan ada sebuah revolusi sebelum pagi. Jackson memenangkan pemilihan dan mencabut piagam bank yang menyatakan, Undang-undang tersebut tampaknya didasarkan pada gagasan yang keliru bahwa pemegang saham sekarang memiliki preskriptif. Hak untuk tidak hanya mendukung, tapi karunia pemerintah. Untuk keuntungan mereka, UU ini mengecualikan seluruh rakyat Amerika dari persaingan dalam pembelian monopoli ini. Pemegang saham sekarang dan mereka yang mewarisi hak mereka sebagai penerus dibentuk dengan tatanan istimewa, berpakaian baik dengan kekuatan politik yang besar dan menikmati keuntungan uang besar dari hubungan mereka dengan pemerintah. Jika pengaruhnya terkonsentrasi di bawah operasi Undang-undang semacam itu karena ini, di tangan sebuah direktori yang dipilih sendiri yang kepentingannya diidentifikasi dengan kepentingan pemegang saham asing, tidakkah akan menyebabkan bergetar untuk kemerdekaan negara kita dalam perang . Mengendalikan mata uang kita, menerima uang umum kita dan menahan ribuan warga negara kita untuk kemerdekaan, akan lebih hebat dan berbahaya daripada kekuatan militer dan angkatan laut musuh. Perlu disesalkan bahwa orang kaya dan berkuasa terlalu sering menekuk tindakan pemerintah untuk tujuan egois. Membuat kaya kaya dan lebih bertenaga. Banyak dari orang kaya kita belum puas dengan perlindungan yang sama dan keuntungan yang sama, namun telah meminta kita untuk membuat mereka lebih kaya dengan tindakan Kongres. I have done my duty to this country. quot 8 Populism prevailed and Jackson was re-elected. In 1835 he was the target of an assassination attempt. The gunman was Richard Lawrence . who confessed that he was, quotin touch with the powers in Europequot. 9 Still, in 1836 Jackson refused to renew the BUS charter. Under his watch the US national debt went to zero for the first and last time in our nations history. This angered the international bankers, whose primary income is derived from interest payments on debt. BUS President Nicholas Biddle cut off funding to the US government in 1842, plunging the US into a depression. Biddle was an agent for the Paris-based Jacob Rothschild. 10 The Mexican War was simultaneously sprung on Jackson. A few years later the Civil War was unleashed, with London bankers backing the Union and French bankers backing the South. The Lehman family made a fortune smuggling arms to the south and cotton to the north. By 1861 the US was 100 million in debt. New President Abraham Lincoln snubbed the Euro-bankers again, issuing Lincoln Greenbacks to pay Union Army bills. The Rothschild-controlled Times of London wrote, quotIf that mischievous policy, which had its origins in the North American Republic, should become indurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off its debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of the civilized governments of the world. The brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed, or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe. quot 11 The Euro-banker-written Hazard Circular was exposed and circulated throughout the country by angry populists. quotThe great debt that capitalists will see is made out of the war and must be used to control the valve of money. To accomplish this government bonds must be used as a banking basis. We are now awaiting Secretary of Treasury Salmon Chase to make that recommendation. It will not allow Greenbacks to circulate as money as we cannot control that. We control bonds and through them banking issuesquot. The 1863 National Banking Act reinstated a private US central bank and Chases war bonds were issued. Lincoln was re-elected the next year, vowing to repeal the act after he took his January 1865 oaths of office. Before he could act, he was assassinated at the Ford Theatre by John Wilkes Booth. Booth had major connections to the international bankers. His granddaughter wrote This One Mad Act, which details Booths contact with quotmysterious Europeansquot just before the Lincoln assassination. Following the Lincoln hit, Booth was whisked away by members of a secret society known as Knights of the Golden Circle (KGC). KGC had close ties to the French Society of Seasons, which produced Karl Marx. KGC had fomented much of the tension that caused the Civil War and President Lincoln had specifically targeted the group. Booth was a KGC member and was connected through Confederate Secretary of State Judah Benjamin to the House of Rothschild. Benjamin fled to England after the Civil War. 12 Nearly a century after Lincoln was assassinated for issuing Greenbacks, President John F. Kennedy found himself in the Eight Families crosshairs. Kennedy had announced a crackdown on off-shore tax havens and proposed increases in tax rates on large oil and mining companies. He supported eliminating tax loopholes which benefit the super-rich. His economic policies were publicly attacked by Fortune magazine, the Wall Street Journal and both David and Nelson Rockefeller. Even Kennedys own Treasury Secretary Douglas Dillon, who came from the UBS Warburg-controlled Dillon Read investment bank, voiced opposition to the JFK proposals. 13 Kennedys fate was sealed in June 1963 when he authorized the issuance of more than 4 billion in United States Notes by his Treasury Department in an attempt to circumvent the high interest rate usury of the private Federal Reserve international banker crowd. The wife of Lee Harvey Oswald, who was conveniently gunned down by Jack Ruby before Ruby himself was shot, told author A. J. Weberman in 1994, quotThe answer to the Kennedy assassination is with the Federal Reserve Bank. Dont underestimate that. Its wrong to blame it on Angleton and the CIA per se only. This is only one finger on the same hand. The people who supply the money are above the CIAquot. 14 Fueled by incoming President Lyndon Johnsons immediate escalation of the Vietnam War, the US sank further into debt. Its citizens were terrorized into silence. If they could kill the President they could kill anyone. The House of Rothschild The Dutch House of Orange founded the Bank of Amsterdam in 1609 as the worlds first central bank. Prince William of Orange married into the English House of Windsor, taking King James IIs daughter Mary as his bride. The Orange Order Brotherhood, which recently fomented Northern Ireland Protestant violence, put William III on the English throne where he ruled both Holland and Britain. In 1694 William III teamed up with the UK aristocracy to launch the private Bank of England. The Old Lady of Threadneedle Street - as the Bank of England is known - is surrounded by thirty foot walls. Three floors beneath it the third largest stock of gold bullion in the world is stored. 15 The Rothschilds and their inbred Eight Families partners gradually came to control the Bank of England. The daily London gold quotfixingquot occurred at the N. M. Rothschild Bank until 2004. As Bank of England Deputy Governor George Blunden put it, quotFear is what makes the banks powers so acceptable. The bank is able to exert its influence when people are dependent on us and fear losing their privileges or when they are frightened. quot 16 Mayer Amschel Rothschild sold the British government German Hessian mercenaries to fight against American Revolutionaries, diverting the proceeds to his brother Nathan in London, where N. M. (Nathan and Mayer) Rothschild amp Sons was established. Mayer was a serious student of Cabala and launched his fortune on money embezzled from William IX - royal administrator of the Hesse-Kassel region and a prominent Freemason. Rothschild-controlled Barings bankrolled the Chinese opium and African slave trades. It financed the Louisiana Purchase. When several states defaulted on its loans, Barings bribed Daniel Webster to make speeches stressing the virtues of loan repayment. The states held their ground, so the House of Rothschild cut off the money spigot in 1842, plunging the US into a deep depression. It was often said that the wealth of the Rothschilds depended on the bankruptcy of nations. Mayer Amschel Rothschild once said, quotI care not who controls a nations political affairs, so long as I control her currencyquot. War didnt hurt the family fortune either. The House of Rothschild financed, the Prussian War the Crimean War the British attempt to seize the Suez Canal from the French Nathan Rothschild made a huge financial bet on Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo, while also funding the Duke of Wellingtons peninsular campaign against Napoleon. Both the Mexican War and the Civil War were goldmines for the family. One Rothschild family biography mentions a London meeting where an quotInternational Banking Syndicatequot decided to pit the American North against the South as part of a quotdivide and conquerquot strategy. German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck once stated, quotThe division of the United States into federations of equal force was decided long before the Civil War. These bankers were afraid that the United States. would upset their financial domination over the world. The voice of the Rothschilds prevailed. quot Rothschild biographer Derek Wilson says the family was the official European banker to the US government and strong supporters of the Bank of the United States. 17 Family biographer Niall Ferguson notes a quotsubstantial and unexplained gapquot in private Rothschild correspondence between 1854-1860. He says all copies of outgoing letters written by the London Rothschilds during this Civil War period, quotwere destroyed at the orders of successive partnersquot. 18 French and British troops had, at the height of the Civil War, encircled the US. The British sent 11,000 troops to Crown-controlled Canada, which gave safe harbor to Confederate agents. Frances Napoleon III installed Austrian Hapsburg family member Archduke Maximilian as his puppet emperor in Mexico, where French troops massed on the Texas border. Only an 11 th - hour deployment of two Russian warship fleets by US ally Czar Alexander II in 1863 saved the United States from re-colonization. 19 That same year the Chicago Tribune blasted, quotBelmont (August Belmont was a US Rothschild agent and had a Triple Crown horse race named in his honor) and the Rothschilds. who have been buying up Confederate war bonds. quot Salmon Rothschild said of a deceased President Lincoln, quotHe rejects all forms of compromise. He has the appearance of a peasant and can only tell barroom stories. quot Baron Jacob Rothschild was equally flattering towards the US citizenry. He once commented to US Minister to Belgium Henry Sanford on the over half a million Americans who died during the Civil War, quotWhen your patient is desperately sick, you try desperate measures, even to bloodletting. quot Salmon and Jacob were merely carrying forth a family tradition. A few generations earlier Mayer Amschel Rothschild bragged of his investment strategy, quotWhen the streets of Paris are running in blood, I buyquot. 20 Mayer Rothschilds sons were known as the Frankfurt Five . The eldest - Amschel - ran the familys Frankfurt bank with his father Nathan ran London operations Youngest son Jacob set up shop in Paris Salomon ran the Vienna branch Karl was off to Naples Author Frederick Morton estimates that by 1850 the Rothschilds were worth over 10 billion. 21 Some researchers believe that their fortune today exceeds 100 trillion. have intermarried into one big happy banking family. The Warburg family - which controls Deutsche Bank and BNP - tied up with the Rothschilds in 1814 in Hamburg, while Kuhn Loeb powerhouse Jacob Schiff shared quarters with Rothschilds in 1785. Schiff immigrated to America in 1865. He joined forces with Abraham Kuhn and married Solomon Loebs daughter. Loeb and Kuhn married each others sisters and the Kuhn Loeb dynasty was consummated. Felix Warburg married Jacob Schiffs daughter. Two Goldman daughters married two sons of the Sachs family, creating Goldman Sachs. In 1806 Nathan Rothschild married the oldest daughter of Levi Barent Cohen, a leading financier in London. 22 Thus, Merrill Lynch super-bull Abby Joseph Cohen and Clinton Secretary of Defense William Cohen are likely descended from Rothschilds. Today the Rothschilds control a far-flung financial empire, which includes majority stakes in most world central banks. The Edmond de Rothschild clan owns the Banque Privee SA in Lugano, Switzerland and the Rothschild Bank AG of Zurich. The family of Jacob Lord Rothschild owns the powerful Rothschild Italia in Milan. They are founding members of the exclusive 10 trillion Club of the Isles - which controls corporate giants, Royal Dutch Shell Imperial Chemical Industries Lloyds of London Anglo American DeBeers It dominates the world supply of petroleum, gold, diamonds, and many other vital raw materials. 23 The Club of the Isles provides capital for George Soros Quantum Fund NV - which made substantial financial gains in 1998-99 following the collapse of currencies of Thailand, Indonesia and Russia. Soros was a major shareholder at George W. Bushs Harken Energy. The Club of Isles is led by the Rothschilds and includes Queen Elizabeth II and other wealthy European aristocrats and Nobility. 24 Perhaps the largest repository for Rothschild wealth today is Rothschilds Continuation Holdings AG - a secretive Swiss-based bank holding company. By the late 1990s scions of the Rothschild global empire were Barons Guy and Elie de Rothschild in France and Lord Jacob and Sir Evelyn Rothschild in Britain. 25 Evelyn was chairman of the Economist and a director at DeBeers and IBM UK. Jacob backed Arnold Schwarzeneggers California gubernatorial campaign. He took control of Khodorkovskys YUKOS oil shares just before the Russian government arrested him. In 2010 Jacob joined Rupert Murdoch in a shale oil extraction partnership in Israel through Genie Energy - a subsidiary of IDT Corporation. 26 Within months, Sarah Palin had hired former IDT executive Michael Glassner as her chief of staff. 27 Is Palin the Rothschild choice in 2012 1 The Temple amp the Lodge. Michael Bagent amp Richard Leigh. Arcade Publishing. New York. 1989. p.259 2 Ibid. p.219 3 Ibid. p.253 4 Ibid. p.233 5 The Robots Rebellion: The Story of the Spiritual Renaissance. David Icke. Gateway Books. Bath, UK. 1994. p.156 6 Democracy for the Few. Michael Parenti. St. Martins Press. New York. 1977. p.51 7 Fourth Reich of the Rich. Des Griffin. Emissary Publications. Pasadena, CA. 1978. p.171 8 Ibid. p.173 9 Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History that Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons and the Great Pyramids. Jim Marrs. HarperCollins Publishers. New York. 2000. p.68 10 The Secrets of the Federal Reserve. Eustace Mullins. Bankers Research Institute. Staunton, VA. 1983. p.179 11 Human Race Get Off Your Knees: The Lion Sleeps No More. David Icke. David Icke Books Ltd. Isle of Wight. UK. 2010. p.92 12 Marrs. p.212 13 Idid. p.139 14 Ibid p.141 15 Icke. The Robots Rebellion. p.114 16 Ibid. p.181 17 Rothschild: The Wealth and Power of a Dynasty. Derek Wilson. Charles Schribners Sons. New York. 1988. p.178 18 The House of Rothschild. Niall Ferguson. Viking Press New York 1998 p.28 19 Marrs. p.215 20 Ibid 21 quotWhat You Didnt Know about Taxes and the Crownquot. Mark Owen. Paranoia. 41. Spring 2006. p.66 22 Marrs. p.63 23 quotThe Coming Fall of the House of Windsorquot. The New Federalist. 1994 24 quotThe Secret Financial Network Behind Wizard George Sorosquot. William Engdahl. Executive Intelligence Review. 11-1-96 25 Marrs. p.86 26 quotMurdoch, Rothschild Invest in Israeli Oil Shalequot. Jerusalem Post. November 22, 2010 27 quotSarah Palin hires chief of staff for PACquot, Huffington Post. February 2011 The Roundtable and The Illuminati According to former British intelligence agent John Colemans book, The Committee of 300. the Rothschilds exert political control through the secretive Business Roundtable, which they created in 1909 with the help of Lord Alfred Milner and South African industrialist Cecil Rhodes . The Rhodes Scholarship is granted by Cambridge University, out of which oil industry propagandist Cambridge Energy Research Associates operates. Rhodes founded De Beers and Standard Chartered Bank. According to Gary Allen s expose, The Rockefeller File. Milner financed the Russian Bolsheviks on Rothschilds behalf, with help from Jacob Schiff and Max Warburg. In 1917 British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour penned a letter to Zionist Second Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild in which he expressed support for a Jewish homeland on Palestinian-controlled lands in the Middle East. 1 The Balfour Declaration justified the brutal seizure of Palestinian lands for the post-WWII establishment of Israel. Israel would serve, not as some high-minded quotJewish homelandquot, but as lynchpin in RothschildEight Families control over the worlds oil supply. Baron Edmond de Rothschild built the first oil pipeline from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean to bring BP Iranian oil to Israel. He founded Israeli General Bank and Paz Oil. He is considered by many the father of modern Israel. 2 Roundtable inner Circle of Initiates included, Lord Nathan Rothschild The Roundtable takes its name from the legendary knight of King Arthur, whose tale of the Holy Grail is paramount to the Illuminati notion of Sangreal or holy blood . John Coleman writes in The Committee of 300, quotRound Tablers armed with immense wealth from gold, diamond and drug monopolies fanned out throughout the world to take control of fiscal and monetary policies and political leadership in all countries where they operated. quot While Cecil Rhodes and the Oppenheimers went to South Africa, the Kuhn Loebs were off to re-colonize America. Rudyard Kipling was sent to India. The Schiffs and Warburgs manhandled Russia. The Rothschilds, Lazards and Israel Moses Seifs pushed into the Middle East. In Princeton, New Jersey the Round Table founded the Institute for Advanced Study ( IAS ) as partner to its All Souls College at Oxford. IAS was funded by the Rockefellers General Education Board created the atomic bomb. 3 In 1919 Rothschilds Business Roundtable spawned the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) in London. The RIIA soon sponsored sister organizations around the globe, including the US Council on Foreign Relations ( CFR ) the Asian Institute of Pacific Relations the Canadian Institute of International Affairs the Brussels-based Institute des Relations Internationales the Danish Foreign Policy Society the Indian Council of World Affairs the Australian Institute of International Affairs Other affiliates popped up in France, Turkey, Italy, Yugoslavia and Greece. 4 The RIIA is a registered charity of the Queen and, according to its annual reports, is funded largely by the Four Horsemen. Former British Foreign Secretary and Kissinger Associates co-founder Lord Carrington was President of both the RIIA and the Bilderbergers. The inner circle at RIIA is dominated by, Knights of St. John Jerusalem 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Freemasons The Knights of St. John were founded in 1070 and answer directly to the British House of Windsor. Their leading bloodline is the Villiers dynasty, which the Hong Kong Matheson family married into. The Lytton family also married into the Villiers gang. 5 Colonel Edward Bulwer-Lytton led the English Rosicrucian secret society, which Shakespeare opaquely referred to as Rosencranz, while the Freemasons took the role of Guildenstern. Lytton was spiritual father of both the RIIA and Nazi fascism. Seventy years later the Vril Society received ample mention in Adolf Hitlers Mein Kampf. Lyttons son became Viceroy to India in 1876 just before opium production spiked in that country. Lyttons good friend Rudyard Kipling worked under Lord Beaverbrook as Propaganda Minister, alongside Sir Charles Hambro of the Hambros banking dynasty. 6 James Bruce, ancestor to Scottish Rite Freemason founder Sir Robert the Bruce, was the 8 th Earl of Elgin. He supervised the Caribbean slave trade as Jamaican Governor General from 1842-1846. He was Britains Ambassador to China during the Second Opium War. His brother Frederick was Colonial Secretary of Hong Kong during both Opium Wars. Both were prominent Freemasons. British Lord Palmerston, who ran the Opium Wars, was a blood relative of the Bruce monarchy, as was his Foreign Secretary John Russell . grandfather of Bertrand Russell. 7 Children of the Roundtable elite are members of a Dionysian cult known as Children of the Sun . Wells headed British intelligence during WWI. His books speak of a quotone-world brainquot and quota police of the mindquot. William Butler Yeats, another Sun member, was a pal of Aleister Crowley. The two formed an Isis Cult based on a Madam Blavatsky manuscript . which called on the British aristocracy to organize itself into an Isis Aryan priesthood. Most prominent writers of English literature came from the ranks of the Roundtable. All promoted Empire expansion, however subtly. Blavatskys Theosophical Society and Bulwer-Lyttons Rosicrucians joined forces to form the Thule Society out of which the Nazis emerged. 8 Aleister Crowley formed the British parallel to the Thule Society, the Isis-Urania Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. He tutored LSD guru Aldus Huxley, who arrived in the US in 1952, the same year the CIA launched its MK-ULTRA mind control program with help from the Warburg-owned Swiss Sandoz Laboratories and Rockefeller cousin Allen Dulles-OSS Station Chief in Berne. Dulles received information from the Muslim Brotherhood House of Saudi regarding the creation of mind-controlled Assassins. Dulles assistant was James Warburg. 9 The Atlantic Union (AU) was an RIIA affiliate founded by Cecil Rhodes - who dreamed of returning the US to the British Crown. In 1939 AU set up its first offices in America in space donated by Nelson Rockefeller at 10 E 40 th St in New York City. Every year from 1949-1976 an AU resolution was floored in Congress calling for a repeal of the Declaration of Independence and a quotnew world orderquot. Another RIIA affiliate was United World Federalists (UWF) - founded by Norman Cousins and Dulles assistant James P. Warburg. UWFs motto was quotOne world or nonequot. Its first president Cord Meyer stepped down to take a key position in Allen Dulles CIA. Meyer articulated UWFs goal, quotOnce having joined the One-World Federated Government, no nation could secede or revolt. with the atom bomb in its possession the Federal Government would blow that nation off the face of the earth. quot 10 In 1950 James Warburg, whose elders Max and Paul sat on the board of Nazi business combine IG Farben. testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, quotWe shall have world government whether or not you like it - by conquest or consent. quot The TC published The Triangle Papers which extended the quotspecial relationship between the US and Western Europequot to include Japan, which was fast becoming creditor to the rest of the world. Former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker was TC Chairman. TCCFR insider Harvard Professor Samuel Huntington . who most recently has argued for a quotClash of Civilizationsquot between the West and the Muslim world, wrote in the TC publication Crisis in Democracy, quot. a government which lacks authority will have little ability short of cataclysmic crisis to impose on its people the sacrifices which may be necessary. quot 12 The Illuminati The Illuminati serves as ruling council to all secret societies. Its roots go back to: the Guardians of Light in Atlantis the Afghan Roshaniya the Egyptian Mystery Schools the Genoese families who bankrolled the Roman Empire British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli . who quothandledquot mafia-founder and 33 rd Degree Mason Guiseppe Mazzini . alluded to the Illuminati in a speech before the House of Commons in 1856 warning, quotThere is in Italy a power which we seldom mention. I mean the secret societies. Europe. is covered with a network of secret societies just as the surfaces of the earth are covered with a network of railroads. quot 13 The Illuminati is to these secret societies what the Bank of International Settlements is to the Eight Families central bankers. And their constituencies are exactly the same. The forerunners of the Freemasons - the Knights Templar - founded the concept of banking and created a bond market as a means to control European nobles through war debts. By the 13 th century the Templars had used their looted Crusades gold to buy 9,000 castles throughout Europe and ran an empire stretching from Copenhagen to Damascus. They founded modern banking techniques and legitimized usury via interest payments. Templars bank branches popped up everywhere, backed by their ill-gotten gold. They charged up to 60 interest on loans, launched the concept of trust accounts and introduced a credit card system for Holy Land pilgrims. They acted as tax collectors, though themselves exempted by Roman authorities, and built the great cathedrals of Europe, having also found instructions regarding secret building techniques alongside the gold they pilfered beneath Solomons Temple. The stained glass used in the cathedrals resulted from a secret Gothic technique known by few. One who had perfected this art was Omar Khayvam, a good friend of Assassin founder Hasan bin Sabah . 14 The Templars controlled a huge fleet of ships and their own naval fleet based at the French Atlantic Port of La Rochelle. They were especially cozy with the royals of England. They purchased the island of Cyprus from Richard the Lion Heart, but were later overrun by the Turks. On Friday October 13, 1307 King Philip IV of France joined forces with Pope Clement V and began rounding up Templars on charges ranging from necromancy to the use of black magic. Friday the 13 th would from that day forward carry negative connotations. quotSionquot is believed to be a transliteration of Zion, itself a transliteration for the ancient Hebrew name Jerusalem. The Priory of Sion came into public view in July 1956. A 1981 notice in the French press listed 121 dignitaries as Priory members. All were bankers, royalty or members of the international political jet set. Pierre Plantard was listed as Grand Master. Plantard is a direct descendent, through King Dagobert II, of the Merovingan Kings. Plantard, who owns property in the Rennes-le-Chateau area of southern France where the Priory of Sion is based, has stated that the order has in its possession lost treasure recovered from beneath Solomons Temple and that it will be returned to Israel when the time is right. He also stated that in the near future monarchy would be restored to France and other nations. The Templars claim to possess secret knowledge that Jesus Christ married Mary Magdalene, fathered children to launch the Merovingan bloodline and was the son of Joseph of Arimathea. 15 Joseph was the son of King Solomon. Solomons Temple is the model for Masonic Temples, which occur without fail in every town of any size in America. It was a place of ill repute where fornicating, drunkenness and human sacrifice were the norm. Accorder to British researcher David Icke . its location on Jerusalems Mount Moriah may have also been an Anunnaki flight control center . The Anunnaki are the reptilianaliens revealed by the Sumerian clay tablets - the oldest written accounts of humankind known. The Crusader Knights Templar looted their huge store of gold and numerous sacred artifacts from beneath the Temple. King Solomon was the son of King David - who during his 1015 BC reign massacred thousands of people. Icke calls King David quota butcherquot and asserts that the king wrote a good chunk of the Bible. His son Solomon killed his own brother to become King. He advised Egyptian Pharaoh Shiskak I, marrying his daughter. Solomon studied at Akhenatons Egyptian Mystery Schools . where mind control was rampant. The Grand Lodge of Cairo spawned a network of secret societies including Assassins, Cabalists, Freemasons and the Afghan Roshaniya. Those who pass through to the highest levels become Illuminati. Icke claims the Canaanite Brotherhood was headed by the godking Melchizedek, who may have been an Anunnaki. The King focused on a Hebrew understanding of the Ancient Mysteries. The Order of Melchizedek became the secret society associated with the Cabala. King Solomon developed his vast wisdom studying the Sumerian Tables of Destiny which Abraham had possessed. Abraham may have also been of Anunnaki origin. Both he and Melchizedek had been tutored by the Sumerian Brotherhood of the Snake, whose name may have something to do with the Biblical creation story, where Adam and Eve are tempted from a bountiful garden of Eden (a hunting and gathering existence) into a world of quotsin and servitudequot by a snake. When the Bible says that the first couple ate the forbidden fruit, could it mean that Eve was impregnated by the snake - an Anunnaki serpent ( the Nephilim of the Book of Genesis) - thus damning all Adamus to a life of toil under serpent king bloodline control The basis of the Sumerian Tables of Destiny which Abraham possessed became known as Ha Qabala, Hebrew for quotlight and knowledgequot. Those who understood these cryptic secrets, said to be encoded throughout the Old Testament, are referred to deferentially as Ram. The phrase is used in Celtic, Buddhist and Hindu spiritual circles as well. The Knights Templar brought Cabbalistic knowledge to Europe when they returned from their Middle East Crusade adventures. 16 The Knights created the Prieure de Sion on Mt. Zion near Jerusalem in the 11 th century to guard such holy relics as the Shroud of Turin, the Ark of the Covenant and the Hapsburg familys Spear of Destiny - which was used to kill Jesus Christ . The Priorys more important purpose was to guard Templar gold and to preserve the alleged bloodline of Jesus - the royal Sangreal - which they believe is carried forth by the French Bourbon Merovingian family and the related Hapsburg monarchs of Spain and Austria. 17 The French Lorraine dynasty, which descended from the Merovingans, married into the House of Hapsburg to acquire the throne of Austria. The Hapsburgs ran the Holy Roman Empire until its dissolution in 1806, through King Charles V and others. The family traces its roots back to a Swiss estate known as Habichtburg, which was built in 1020. The Hapsburgs are an integral part of the Priory of Sion. Many researchers believe that Spains Hapsburg King Philip will be crowned Sangreal World King in Jerusalem. The Hapsburgs are related to the Rothschilds through Holy Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossas second son Archibald II. The Rothschilds - leaders in Cabala, Freemasonry and the Knights Templar - sit at the apex of the both the Illuminati and the Eight Families banking cartel. The family accumulated its vast wealth issuing war bonds to Black Nobility for centuries, including, the British Windsors the French Bourbons the German von Thurn und Taxis the Italian Savoys the Austrian and Spanish Hapsburgs The Eight Families have also intermarried with these royals. Author David Icke believes the Rothschilds represent the head of the Anunnaki Serpent Kings, stating, quotThey (Rothschilds) had the crown heads of Europe in debt to them and this included the Black Nobility dynasty, the Hapsburgs, who ruled the Holy Roman Empire for 600 years. The Rothschilds also control the Bank of England. If there was a war, the Rothschilds were behind the scenes, creating conflict and funding both sides. quot 18 The Rothschilds and the Warburgs are main stockholders of the German Bundesbank. Rothschilds control Japans biggest banking house Nomura Securities via a tie-up between Edmund Rothschild and Tsunao Okumura. The Rothschilds are the richest and most powerful family in the world. They are also inbred. According to several family biographers, over half of the last generation of Rothschild progeny married within the family, presumably to preserve their Sangreal. 19 The 1782 Great Seal of the United States is loaded with Illuminati symbolism. So is the reverse side of the US 1 Federal Reserve Note, which was designed by Freemasons. The pyramid on the left side represents those in Egypt - possibly space beaconenergy source to the Anunnaki - whose Pharaohs oversaw the building of the pyramids using slave labor. The pyramid is an important symbol for the Illuminati bankers. They employ Triads, Trilaterals and Trinities to create a society ruled by an elite Sangreal few presiding over the masses - as represented by a pyramid. The Brotherhood of the Snake worshiped a Trinity of Isis, Osirus and Horus - who may have been Anunnaki offspring. The Brotherhood spread the concept of Trinity to, Christian (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) Hindu (Brahma, Shiva and Krishna) Buddhist (Buddha, Dharma and Sangha) faiths 20 The reptilian eye atop the pyramid depicted on the 1 bill is the all-seeing eye of the Afghan Roshaniya. known alternately as The Order and Order of the Quest - names adopted by Skull amp Bones. Germanorden and the JASON Society. 21 Take a magnifying glass and look at the eyes pupil. There is an image of an alien inside the pupil. Im not kidding. Novus Ordo Seclorum appears beneath the pyramid, while Annuit Coeptis appears above the all-seeing eye. Annuit Coeptis means quotmay he smile upon our endeavors (Great Work of Ages)quot. Above the eagle on the right side of the note are the words E Pluribus Unum, Latin for quotout of many onequot. The eagle clutches 13 arrows and 13 olive branches, while 13 stars appear above the eagles head. America was founded with 13 colonies. Templar pirate Jaques deMolay was executed on Friday the 13 th . The numbers 3, 9, 13 and 33 are significant to the secret societies. 33rd-degree Freemasons are said to become Illuminati. According to the late researcher William Cooper . the Bilderberger Group has a powerful Policy Committee of 13 members. It is one of 3 committees of 13 which answered (until his recent death) to Prince Bernhard - member of the Hapsburg family and leader of the Black Nobility. The Bilderberg Policy Committee answers to a Rothschild Round Table of 9. 22 1 quotThe Secret Financial Network Behind Wizard George Sorosquot. William Engdahl. Executive Intelligence Review. 11-1-96 2 Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History that Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons and the Great Pyramids. Jim Marrs. HarperCollins Publishers. New York. 2000. p.83 3 Ibid. p.89 4 Fourth Reich of the Rich. Des Griffin. Emissary Publications. Pasadena, CA. 1978. p.77 5 The Robots Rebellion. The Story of the Spiritual Renaissance. David Icke. Gateway Books. Bath, UK. 1994. p.195 6 Ibid 7 Dope Inc. The Book that Drove Kissinger Crazy. The Editors of Executive Intelligence Review. Washington, DC. 1992. p.264 8 Ibid. p.538 9 Dope Inc. 10 Ibid 11 Ibid 12 Marrs 13 Icke. p.148 14 Bloodline of the Holy Grail. Laurence Gardner. Element Books, Inc. Rockport, MA. 1996 15 Holy Blood, Holy Grail. Michael Bagent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln. Dell Publishing Company New York. 1983 16 Icke. 17 Behold a Pale Horse. William Cooper. Light Technology Press. Sedona, AZ. 1991. p.79 18 Children of the Matrix. David Icke. Bridge of Love Publishing. Scottsdale, AZ. 2000. 19 Marrs. p.71 20 Icke. 1994. p.42 21 Ibid. p.71 22 Cooper A Financial Parasite United World Federalists founder James Warburgs father was Paul Warburg, who financed Hitler with help from Brown Brothers Harriman partner Prescott Bush. 1 Colonel Ely Garrison was a close friend of both President Teddy Roosevelt and President Woodrow Wilson. Garrison wrote in Roosevelt, Wilson and the Federal Reserve . quotPaul Warburg was the man who got the Federal Reserve Act together after the Aldrich Plan aroused such nationwide resentment and opposition. The mastermind of both plans was Baron Alfred Rothschild of London. quot The Aldrich Plan was hatched at a secret 1910 meeting at JP Morgans private resort on Jekyl Island, SC between Rockefeller lieutenant Nelson Aldrich and Paul Warburg of the German Warburg banking dynasty. Aldrich, a New York congressman, later married into the Rockefeller family. His son Winthrop Aldrich chaired Chase Manhattan Bank. While the bankers met, Colonel Edward House, another Rockefeller stooge and close confidant of President Woodrow Wilson, was busy convincing Wilson of the importance of a private central bank and the introduction of a national income tax. A member of Houses staff was British MI6 Permindex insider General Julius Klein . 2 Wilson didnt need much convincing, since he was beholden to copper magnate Cleveland Dodge, whose namesake Phelps Dodge became one of the biggest mining companies in the world. Dodge bankrolled Wilsons political career. Wilson even wrote his inaugural speech on Dodges yacht. 3 Wilson was a classmate of both Dodge and Cyrus McCormick at Princeton. Both were directors at Rockefellers National City Bank (now Citigroup). Wilsons main focus was on overcoming public distrust of the bankers, which New York City Mayor John Hylan echoed in 1922 when he argued, quotThe real menace to our republic is the invisible government which, like a giant octopus, sprawls its slimy length over our city, state and nation. At the head is a small group of banking houses, generally referred to as the international bankersquot. 4 In 1913 the Federal Reserve Bank was born, with Paul Warburg its first Governor. Four years later the US entered World War I, after a secret society known as the Black Hand assassinated Archduke Ferdinand and his Hapsburg wife. The Archdukes friend Count Czerin later said, quotA year before the war he informed me that the Masons had resolved upon his death. quot 5 That same year, Bolsheviks overthrew the Hohehzollern monarchy in Russia with help from Max Warburg and Jacob Schiff, while the Balfour Declaration leading to the creation of Israel was penned to Zionist Second Lord Rothschild. In the 1920s Baron Edmund de Rothschild founded the Palestine Economics Commission, while Kuhn Loebs Manhattan offices helped Rothschild form a network to smuggle weapons to Zionist death squads bent on seizing Palestinian lands. General Julius Klein oversaw the operation and headed the US Army Counterintelligence Corps, which later produced Henry Kissinger . Klein diverted Marshall Plan aid to Europe to Zionist terror cells in Palestine after WWII, channeling the funds through the Sonneborn Institute, which was controlled by Baltimore chemical magnate Rudolph Sonneborn. His wife Dorothy Schiff is related to the Warburgs. 6 The Kuhn Loebs came to Manhattan with the Warburgs. At the same time the Bronfmans came to Canada as part of the Moses Montefiore Jewish Colonization Committee. The Montefiores have carried out the dirty work of Genoese nobility since the 13 th Century. The di Spadaforas served that function for the Italian House of Savoy, which was bankrolled by the Israel Moses Seif family for which Israel is named. Lord Harold Sebag Montefiore is current head of the Jerusalem Foundation, the Zionist wing of the Knights of St. Johns Jerusalem. The Bronfmans (the name means quotliquormanquot in Yiddish) tied up with Arnold Rothstein . a product of the Rothschilds dry goods empire, to found organized crime in New York City. Rothstein was succeeded by Lucky Luciano, Meyer Lansky, Robert Vesco and Santos Trafficante. The Bronfmans are intermarried with the Rothschilds, Loebs and Lamberts. 7 The year 1917 also saw the 16 th Amendment added to the US Constitution, levying a national income tax, though it was ratified by only two of the required 36 states. The IRS is a private corporation registered in Delaware. 8 Four years earlier the Rockefeller Foundation was launched, to shield family wealth from the new income tax provisions, while steering public opinion through social engineering. One of its tentacles was the General Education Board. In Occasional Letter 1 the Board states, quotIn our dreams we have limitless resources and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands. The present education conventions fade from their minds and, unhampered by tradition, we will work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive rural folk. We shall try not to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning or men of scienceof whom we have ample supply. quot 9 Though most Americans think of the Federal Reserve as a government institution, it is privately held by the Eight Families. The Secret Service is employed, not by the Executive Branch, but by the Federal Reserve. 10 An exchange between Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-MA) and Fed Chairman Paul Volcker at Senate hearings in 1982 is instructive. Kennedy must have thought of his older brother John when he told Volcker that if he were before the committee as a member of US Treasury things would be much different. Volcker, puffing on a cigar, responded cavalierly, quotThats probably true. But I believe it was intentionally designed this wayquot. 11 Rep. Lee Hamilton (D-IN) put it to Volcker that, quotPeople realize that what that board of yours does has a very profound impact on their pocketbooks, and yet it is a group of people basically inaccessible to them and unaccountable to them. quot President Wilson spoke of, quota power so organized, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breaths when they speak in condemnation of it. quot Rep. Charles Lindberg (D-NY) was more blunt, railing against Wilsons Federal Reserve Act, which had cleverly been dubbed the quotPeoples Billquot. Lindberg declared that the Act would, quotestablish the most gigantic trust on earth When the president signs this act, the invisible government by the money power will be legitimized. The law will create inflation whenever the trusts want inflation. From now on, depressions will be scientifically created. The invisible government by the money power, proven to exist by the Money Trust Investigation, will be legalized. The whole central bank concept was engineered by the very group it was supposed to strip of powerquot. 12 The Fed is made up of most every bank in the US, but the New York Federal Reserve Bank controls the Fed by virtue of its enormous capital resources. The true center of power within the Fed is the Federal Open Market Committee ( FOMC ), on which only the NY Fed President holds a permanent voting seat. The FOMC issues directives on monetary policy which are implemented from the 8 th Floor of the NY Fed, a fortress modeled after the Bank of England. 13 In the fifth sub-basement of the 14-story stone hulk lie 10,300 tons of mostly non-US gold, 13 of the worlds gold reserves and by far the largest gold stock in the world. 14 The world of money is increasingly computerized. With the introduction by the Eight Families of complicated financial instruments like derivatives, options, puts and futures the volume of inter-bank transactions took a quantum leap. To handle this the fed built a superhighway eerily known as CHIPS (Clearing House Interbank Payment System), which is based in New York and modeled after Morgans Belgium-based Euro-Clear - also known as The Beast. When the Fed was created five New York banks, held a 43 stake in the New York Fed. By 1983 these same five banks owned 53 of the NY Fed. By year 2000, the newly merged Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase and Deutsche Bank combines owned even bigger chunks, as did the European faction of the Eight Families. Collectively they own majority stock in every Fortune 500 corporation and do the bulk of stock and bond trading. In 1955 the above five banks accounted for 15 of all stock trades. By 1985 they were involved in 85 of all stock transactions. 15 Still more powerful are the investment banks which bear the names of many of the Eight Families. In 1982, while Morgan bankers presided over negotiations between Britain and Argentina after the Falklands War, President Reagan pushed through SEC Rule 415, which helped consolidate securities underwriting in the hands of six large investment houses owned by the Eight Families: These banks further consolidated their power via the merger mania of 1980s and 1990s. American Express swallowed up both Lehman Brothers-Kuhn Loeb - which had merged in 1977 - and Shearson Lehman-Rhoades. The Israel Moses Seifs Banca de la Svizzera Italiana bought a 7 stake in Lehman Brothers. 16 Salomon Brothers nabbed Philbro from the South African Oppenheimer family, then bought Smith Barney. All three then became part of Travelers Group, headed by Sandy Weill of the David-Weill family, which controls Lazard Freres through senior partner Michel David-Weill. Citibank then bought Travelers to form Citigroup. S. G. Warburg, of which Oppenheimers Chartered Consolidated owns a 9 stake, joined the old money Banque Paribas - which merged into Merrill Lynch in 1984. Union Bank of Switzerland acquired Paine Webber, while Morgan Stanley ate up Dean Witter and purchased Discover credit card operations from Sears. Kuhn Loeb-controlled First Boston merged with Credit Suisse, which had already absorbed White-Weld, to become CS First Boston - the major player in the dirty London Eurobond market. Merrill Lynch - merged into Bank of America in 2008 - is the major player on the US side of this trade. Swiss Banking Corporation merged with Londons biggest investment house S. G. Warburg to create SBC Warburg, while Warburg became more intertwined with Merrill Lynch through their 1998 Mercury Assets tie up. The Warburgs formed another venture with Union Bank of Switzerland, creating powerhouse UBS Warburg. Deutsche Bank bought Bankers Trust and Alex Brown to briefly become the worlds largest bank with 882 billion in assets. With repeal of Glass-Steagal, the line between investment, commercial and private banking disappeared. This handful of investment banks exerts an enormous amount of control over the global economy. Their activities include advising Third World debt negotiations, handling mergers and breakups, creating companies to fill a perceived economic void through the launching of initial public stock offerings (IPOs), underwriting all stocks, underwriting all corporate and government bond issuance, and pulling the bandwagon down the road of privatization and globalization of the world economy. A recent president of the World Bank was James Wolfensohn of Salomon Smith Barney. Merrill Lynch had 435 billion in assets in 1994, before the merger frenzy had really even gotten under way. The biggest commercial bank at the time, Citibank, could claim only 249 billion in assets. Merrill Lynch handled 26.8 of all global bank mergers Morgan Stanley did 16.8 Goldman Sachs 16.3 Lehman Brothers 16.1 Credit Suisse First Boston 14.5 Goldman Sachs 18 Deutsche Banks Morgan Grenfell branch engineered the corporate takeover binge in Europe. The dominant players in the oil futures markets at both the New York Mercantile Exchange and the London Petroleum Exchange are Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, Goldman Sachs (through its J. Aron amp Company subsidiary), Citigroup (through its Philbro unit) and Deutsche Bank (through its Bankers Trust acquisition). In 2002 Enron Online was auctioned off by a bankruptcy court to UBS Warburg for 0. UBS was to share monopoly Enron Online profits with Lehman Brothers after the first two years of the deal. 19 With Lehmans 2008 demise, its new owner Barclays will get their cut. Following the Lehman Brothers fiasco and the ensuing financial meltdown of 2008, the Four Horsemen of Banking got even bigger. For pennies on the dollar, JP Morgan Chase was handed Bear Stearns and Washington Mutual Bank of America commandeered Merrill Lynch and Countrywide Wells Fargo seized control over the reeling 5 US bank Wachovia Barclays got a sweetheart deal for the remains of Lehman Brothers Former House Banking Committee Chairman Wright Patman (D-TX), declared of Federal Reserve Eight Families owners, quotThe United States today has in effect two governments. We are the duly constituted government. Then we have an independent, uncontrolled and uncoordinated government in the Federal Reserve System, operating the money powers which are reserved to Congress by the Constitutionquot. 20 Since the creation of the Federal Reserve, US debt (mostly owed to the Eight Families) has skyrocketed from 1 billion to nearly 14 trillion today. This far surpasses the total of all Third World country debt combined, debt which is mostly owed to these same Eight Families, who own most all the worlds central banks. As Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-AZ) pointed out, quotInternational bankers make money by extending credit to governments. The greater the debt of the political state, the larger the interest returned to lenders. The national banks of Europe are (also) owned and controlled by private interests. We recognize in a hazy sort of way that the Rothschilds and the Warburgs of Europe and the houses of JP Morgan, Kuhn Loeb amp Co. Schiff, Lehman and Rockefeller possess and control vast wealth. How they acquire this vast financial power and employ it is a mystery to most of us. quot 21 1 Behold a Pale Horse. William Cooper. Light Technology Press. Sedona, AZ. 1991. p.81 2 Dope Inc. The Book that Drove Kissinger Crazy. The Editors of Executive Intelligence Review. Washington, DC. 1992. 3 Democracy for the Few. Michael Parenti. St. Martins Press. New York. 1977. p.67 4 Descent into Slavery. Des Griffin. Emissary Publications. Pasadena 1991 5 The Robots Rebellion: The Story of the Spiritual Renaissance. David Icke. Gateway Books. Bath, UK. 1994. p.158 6 The Editors of Executive Intelligence Review. p.504 7 Ibid 8 Ibid 9 Ibid. p.77 10 quotSecrets of the Federal Reservequot. Discovery Channel. January 2002 11 The Confidence Game: How Un-Elected Central Bankers are Governing the Changed World Economy. Steven Solomon. Simon amp Schuster. New York. 1995. p.26 12 Icke. p.178 13 Solomon. p.63 14 Ibid. p.27 15 The Corporate Reapers: The Book of Agribusiness. A. V. Krebs. Essential Books. Washington, DC. 1992. p.166 16 The Editors of Executive Intelligence Review. p.79 17 quotPlaying the Middlequot. Anita Raghavan and Bridget OBrian. Wall Street Journal. 10-2-95 18 Securities Data Corporation. 1995 19 CNN Headline News. 1-11-02 20 The Rockefeller File. Gary Allen. 76 Press. Seal Beach, CA. 1977. p.156 21 Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History that Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons and the Great Pyramids. Jim Marrs. HarperCollins Publishers. New York. 2000. p.77 The Solution June 26, 2011 Thomas Jefferson opined of the Rothschild-led Eight Families central banking cartel which came to control the United States, quotSingle acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of the day, but a series of oppressions begun at a distinguished period, unalterable through every change of ministers, too plainly prove a deliberate, systematic plan of reducing us to slaveryquot. Two centuries and a few decades later this same cabal of trillionaire money changers - mysteriously immune from their own calls for quotbroad sacrificequot - utilizes the debt lever to ring concessions from the people of, and now the United States. In their never-ending quest to subjugate the planet, the bankers IMF enforcer - chronic harasser of Third World governments - has turned its sites on the developed world. To further advance their dizzying concentration of economic power, the whining banksters take a giant wrecking ball to the global middle class as they prepare to eat their young. No one can argue that the US deficit is not a problem. Much of it accrues paying interest on the 14 trillion debt. Stooped-over Congressional cartel shills with names like Cantor and Boehner argue for slashing entire government departments to satiate the bloodthirsty bond-holders. Liberals argue for higher taxes on the rich and massive Pentagon cuts. I agree with these latter proposals. The super-rich paid 90 under Eisenhower and 72 under Nixon. Both were Republicans. They now pay 33. Most corporations and many elites utilize offshore tax havens and pay nothing. The argument for progressive taxation is that those who benefit more from government should pay more. Cartel apologists propagate the fiction that the poor soak up middle-class tax dollars, sowing division between the poor and middle class. Meanwhile, the Eight Families financial octopus feeds mightily at the public trough be it, the SEC (rich investors) the FCC (Gulfstream jet fliers) the USDA (the richest farmers get the biggest checks) Medicaid (insurance fraud, Big Pharma gouging) the Pentagon (Lockheed Martin, Halliburton, Blackwater) Still, 14 trillion is an insurmountable debt. Increasing taxes on the super-rich combined with a global American military withdrawal from its current role as Hessianized mercenary force for the City of London banksters, while welcome, will not be enough to deal with this monster debt, what Jefferson termed, this quotdeliberate, systematic plan of reducing us to slaveryquot. The belt-way dialogue on the deficit remains locked in a tiny intellectual box created by the corporate media and their Federal Reserve cartel owners. But there is another way. It is a myth that most of that 14 trillion debt is owed to the Chinese or other quotgovernmentsquot. The vast majority - around 10 trillion - is owed to the Eight Families Federal Reserve crowd. In a June 9, 2011 article for Marketwatch, Unicredits Chief US Economist Harm Bandholz stated that the Federal Reserve is the largest holder of US debt with around 14 of the total. This does not include debt held by Rothschild-controlled central banks of other nations - including China, Japan and the GCC oil fiefdoms. Through the recent QE2 program, the Fed purchased another 600 billion in Treasury bonds. They claimed it was a last ditch attempt to save the global economy from deflation. Instead, the banksters who got the interest free taxpayer-backed money pushed us further towards deflation by refusing to lend their welfare bonanza to potential homeowners or small business. Conversely and inherent in the printing of zero-interest money, they created inflation - speculating in oil, food and gold futures and rolling this increased US debt on the roulette tables at their various wholly-owned global stock exchanges. Is it any wonder the financial parasite class is now clamoring for QE3 What follows is a ten-step proposal which President Obama and the Congress could enact to lift the 14 trillion debt from the backs of future generations of Americans. These should be done concurrently as part of a single sweeping financial reform bill. Modeled after last weeks release of strategic petroleum reserves by twenty-seven nations, this measure should be enacted in tandem with as many willing nations as possible. The same Rothschild-led cabal controls the central banks of most every nation and there is power in numbers. If these measures are enacted separately or by only one nation, the Eight Families cartel will use their financial clout to target and destroy the US: Introduce a Treasury Department-administered infrastructure investment fund, which workers should be strongly encouraged to opt into using accrued funds from their private 401K plans. This is important because the bankers stock market casino will crash due to the next nine steps and workers must be shielded from this event. This fund can be used to rebuild Americas infrastructure, with American workers acting as lenders and receiving a fair rate of interest in return. The US needs to withdraw from the Bank of International Settlements. the World Trade Organization, the World Bank. the IMF and all Eight Families-controlled multilateral lending facilities. We would save billions funding these banker welfare schemes while freeing ourselves from rules which prevent our financial emancipation. De-link the dollar from all currency baskets and IMF special drawing rights. Ban trade in dollars on all global exchanges. This will create a demand for dollars and strengthen our badly devalued currency. Impose currency controls by fixing the dollar at, 1:1 euro, Chinese yuan, Canadian dollar and Swiss franc 100:1 Japanese yen During the 1997 Asian financial crisis, Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad fixed the nations currency - the ringit. It was the only currency in the region that did not crash when Rothschild front-man George Soros took aim at the region. Nationalize the Federal Reserve. According to a London barrister I have been in contact with, under the Federal Reserve Act there is a provision that allows for the US government to buy back the Feds charter for 4 billion. We should pay this fee, revoke the Fed charter and launch a new US dollar issued by the Treasury Department. With the dollar fixed, the vampires cannot crash it. Cancel the 10 trillion debt to the Illuminati bankers. Debt obligations to foreign governments and small bond-holders should be honored at par. Arrest the perpetrators. Prosecute to the fullest extent of the law all fraudulent transactions involving the Fed cartel. Send the FBI to the New York Fed. Seize all documents. Confiscate the worlds largest gold reserves which are stored there. These were stolen from various governments including from our own Ft. Knox reserves. Forget just repealing the Bush tax cuts on the rich. The top tax rate on people who make more than 1 millionyear should be raised to 75. People making more than 500,000year should pay 50. All tax brackets below 75,000year should see tax cuts. If you get more from government you need to pay for it, instead of soaking the middle-class and blaming it on the poor. Slash Pentagon spending. Shut down all US military bases on foreign soil, including those in Europe, Japan and South Korea. Withdraw ALL troops from Iraq and Afghanistan immediately. Use the savings to pay off government and small bond-holders. Outlaw offshore banking by US citizens and corporations. Bring your money home and pay taxes on it or surrender your US passportcorporate charter. The dramatic increase in tax revenue would be enough to pay off the remaining debt to sovereign governments and small bond-holders, while keeping our obligations to the Social Security trust fund. Introduce single-payer health care and price controls on prescription drugs. The current corporate for-profit health care bonanza depends upon sickness and ill health for its hefty profits. In 2006 Canada government spent 3,678 per person for free single-payer coverage for all its citizens. The US government spent 6,714 per person covering the insurance, pharmaceutical, hospital and AMA cartels. The savings attained from eliminating insurancepharmaceuticalhospital chaindoctor-perpetrated MedicareMedicaidSocial Security fraud will save the US Treasury billions. It is the only solution to skyrocketing and unsustainable health care costs. Using this methodology the US could wipe out both its deficit and its debt within a year. These measures should be planned in secret and introduced swiftly and in rapid succession. Social security and Medicare will be saved. The middle class will see their tax rates go down, while their retirement fund finances the rebuilding of a 21 st Century America. Manufacturing jobs will come home, since the Chinese yuan will have seen a dramatic appreciation. Our national security will be enhanced by withdrawing from the role of global policeman. If we keep thinking inside the banker-manufactured beltway box, our children have no future. They will live in a Third World country which produces nothing, lorded over by debt-collector parasites known as the quotfinancial services industryquot. The wealth-destroying Eight Families banker elite are the perpetrators of the US debt crime. Should a woman who is raped serve the sentence of her rapist Thats absurd. Then why should Americans or any other nation pay a fraudulent debt foisted upon them by con-men It is time for Obama and the Congress to get a backbone and force the criminal Federal Reserve cartel to make the quotbroad sacrificesquot. As your Financial Advisor, I can help you define and strive to meet your goals by delivering a vast array of resources to you in the way that is most appropriate for how you invest and what you want to achieve. Working together I can help you to preserve and grow your wealth. 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See February On the Markets from the Global Investment Committee featuring bull ldquoWhatrsquos Holding It Uprdquo A chair or table with four sturdy legs can be remarkably strong and hold much more than its weight. Same thing for the stock market, writes Michael Wilson, chief investment officer of Morgan Stanley Wealth Management. Those who ignore the marketrsquos legs are likely to be too bearish and conservative in their positioning. bull ldquoThe Big Debates of 2017rdquo In this roundup, Morgan Stanley amp Co. strategists and analysts offer out-of-consensus views on such major questions as trade policy, drug pricing and whether Japan will be the worldrsquos best stock market this year. bull ldquoThe Case for Active Managementrdquo Since the financial crisis, passive investment strategies have outperformed active managers. Lisa Shalett, who heads investment and portfolio strategies for Morgan Stanley Wealth Management, thinks the investment environment has changed in a way that will allow active managers to outperform. bull Plus, look for more on economics, equities, bonds and a QampA with Bill Nolin of Aligned Investors, who discusses how he finds companies where management incentives are aligned with investor interests. Check the background of our Firm and Investment Professionals on FINRAs BrokerCheck . Scott Smith holds the following registrations: Securities Agent: AL, AZ, CA, CT, FL, GA, IL, LA, MA, MI, NC, NV, OK, SC, TX, UT General Securities Representative Investment Advisor Representative This information, products and services described here are intended only for individuals residing in states where this Financial Advisor is properly registered as described in this site. 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Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC is a registered BrokerDealer, Member SIPC, and not a bank. Where appropriate, Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC has entered into arrangements with banks and other third parties to assist in offering certain banking related products and services. Investment, insurance and annuity products offered through Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC are: NOT FDIC INSURED MAY LOSE VALUE NOT BANK GUARANTEED NOT A BANK DEPOSIT NOT INSURED BY ANY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC offers insurance products in conjunction with its licensed insurance agency affiliates. Life insurance, disability income insurance, and long-term care insurance are offered through Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLCs licensed insurance agency affiliates.

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